
캘리포니 아주립대  무료 영어 프로그램 (ECP 프로그램) English Conversation Partners Program

한국 자매고등학교를 위한  무료 영어프그램으로  매주 1회  ( 12주 프로그램)

미국현지  우등 대학생(Honors Program)들과  1시간씩 다양한 경제. 문화 ,사회 이야기를 토론하는 프로그램


2021 Fall ECP  sessions

The ECP sessions will run through Zoom (the direct link is https://csusb.zoom.us/j/82388822064),
starting with our opening ceremony on Saturday, August 28 at 8:00 AM Korean Standard Time (Friday,
August 27 at 4:00 PM in California) and will end with our closing ceremony Saturday, December 4 at
9:00 AM Korean Standard Time (Friday, December 3 at 4:00 PM in California). All our meetings will use
the same Zoom link. The College of Extended and Global Education’s Dean, Assistant Dean, and other
CSUSB representatives will be present at the opening ceremony, along with ECP volunteers and
participants. We cordially invite your school administrators, including principals and deputy principals,
to join us, as well as the participating students from your school.
Each one-hour session starts with a group welcome, then the students and ECP American volunteers are
divided into small groups (4 students). Each of the groups is then sent to a separate breakout room. In
this way, students gain more opportunities to participate and communicate within their groups. As the
supervisor for the session, I will visit each of the breakout rooms and provide any support needed.
Please note that there will be no ECP Saturday, November 27 (Friday, November 26 in California) in
recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday.
To promote discussion and interaction, all of the groups will discuss the same topic, such as art and
design, each week. We prepare a list of 15 questions for each section, which are designed to improve
the flow of conversation between the students and volunteers. We will send you a copy of this list
approximately one week in advance, so you can help your students prepare for their ECP conversations.
The conversations are very friendly, and our volunteers are thoroughly trained to support international
students and help them develop their English language skills and an international perspective. All of our
volunteers are selected from CSUSB’s undergraduate Honors program as well as the graduate Teaching
of English as a Foreign Language program.